New Glasses
I’ve always had a bit of astigmatism, but it never really got in my way. With the astigmatism, I had 20/15 vision. With my glasses, my corrected vision was 20/10. Usually, I just ignored the possibility of wearing glasses since a slightly astigmatic 20/15 was still better than most people who didn’t even need glasses. Once, in Junior High, I got my prescription and wore the glasses for a while, but I eventually just stopped doing it. I’m 35 now and I’ve noticed that I have been squinting more and more lately. I went to the eye doctor for the first time in many years and found that now my corrected vision is only 20/15. My astigmatism is getting worse. I guess it’s time for these again. What do you think? Did I pick out a pair that looks right for me?
There is even a tiny URL printed on the inside of the earpiece that gives instructions on how to return them to me if I you find them. I think more people should do that.