We used to call them self portraits.
My bathroom mirror
Front phone cameras were invented specifically to stop people from taking pictures of their bathroom mirrors. It is the lesser of two evils. But the lesser of two evils is still evil!
Cell phone cameras have been improving by leaps and bounds over the years. But I think front cameras have only gotten worse! They have low quality, low resolution, and unflattering wide angle lenses. It seems that every picture taken with a front camera either has an arm in it or comes out looking like something from the Blair Witch Project. I sometimes wish all of those pictures could go completely away from the Internet in the same way that I sometimes wish all the songs that rhyme maybe and baby could be banished from the radio.
My hairy arm
Blair Witch selfie
It’s great to have your picture with a friend or in a special place. But we had self portraits a long time before they started appearing with a bathroom mirror and or an arm protruding from the edge of the picture.
Here’s a suggestion. Next time you want to take a selfie to upload to one of your virtual social websites, find someone to give your camera to and ask them to take the picture for you. They will use the correct camera and give you a much better shot than you could by yourself. And by talking to someone you have been actually social!
Handed a kind stranger my camera
It’s a win-win situation.