Flower Power
You’re about to see something odd. I don’t know anyway to prepare you for this than to just tell you everything you’re about to see.
Flower Power opens with the credits (in Dutch) rolling over grandma’s most hideous wallpaper while a military drummer drums and a military shouter shouts. Eventually you see our antagonist, a military official who has achieved a rather high rank despite his terrible physical deformities. You’ll stare at his arms and shoulders. I don’t know what his rank is, but I’m going to call him The General.
The General slowly marches in to inspect the strangely long-haired troops. Everything is perfectly uniform until he notices a flower in one of the men’s helmets. Apparently, the General really hates flowers. Turning, walking a few steps, and snatching the flower seem to take an extraordinary amount of effort due to his monstrously misshapen body, but he manages to do it anyway. He then proceeds to ineffectually punch the flower, ineffectually throw the flower to the ground, and ineffectually stomp on the flower a number of times. However, on the third stomp, we learn that this is no ordinary flower. It explodes, sending the General high in to the air, and eventually back down in to a crater. That’s when things get weird.
I know what you’re thinking. Things weren’t already weird? Well, no, relatively speaking. The men begin to chant and leap higher than they should be able to leap. This ritual somehow causes their uniforms to evaporate and now it is revealed that they were all actually magic evil hippies who had dressed in layers! Except not all of them were dressed in layers. Some uniforms dissolved into birthday suits and this is where is becomes NSFW. The rest of the film degenerates in to an evil magic hippie dance party. You will stare and cartoon butt cheeks and boy parts so hard that you might not even notice the topless women. Also I guess some of these disappearing uniforms were hiding women.
The end.
Video contains cartoon nudity.
So what the crap was that? Did I lie? No! I couldn’t have made that up if I tried. One’s first inclination might be to make fun of the art style and animation. I kinda did that at first, but I have since decided that I have no right to judge this because I really can’t do any better.
I do believe I could write a better script, and so I would feel justified in saying the story was garbage, but I think the real issue here is that I just don’t understand it. Maybe it would be better if I did. So maybe you could help explain it to me in the comments below?