Is anyone that nice?

Is anyone that nice?


I’ve had people pitch in a dime or even a quarter when I come up short at the check out counter. It’s a friendly thing to do, but it also helps move the line along instead of calling a manager to come put something back. I needed some chocolate, so tonight, about 10 minutes before closing, with no one in line behind me, I tried to buy a small bag of dark chocolates, and another of peanut butter cups that cost $2.49 each. I had a $5 bill in my pocket, and I thought I had some change, but I was mistaken and could not cover the tax. I tried to put $5.39 on my card, but it kept declining it before it even asked me for my pin number. Without hesitation, the checkout girl said, “It’s ok! I’ll get it for you,” and reached for her money. I had to ask her to repeat it twice before my brain finally believed it. I thanked her sweetly, but told her I had the $5. She said, “Oh ok. I’ll just get the change, then!” I thanked her again and came home to write this so I won’t remember to pay her back next time I’m there.

My new bed

My new bed

Ringed Lava Planet

Ringed Lava Planet