The Bother with Bunnies

The Bother with Bunnies

When introduced into a new area, rabbits can overpopulate rapidly, becoming a nuisance, as on this university campus

When introduced into a new area, rabbits can overpopulate rapidly, becoming a nuisance, as on this university campus

The Wikipedia article on rabbits has this picture and caption. How many bunnies does it take for them to be a problem? I love seeing the little animals that run around the campus at UTPB. They have rabbits, and owls, and prairie dogs all over the place. I grant you, this is a pretty good population of bunnies in the picture, but unless you’re pushing them off of your desk before each class like Captain Kirk had to push tribbles off his chair, what’s the big furry deal? They don’t attack. They aren’t poisonous. They don’t go to the cafeteria and eat all the ice cream before you get any. And isn’t overpopulation a self-limiting problem? Who is doing the complaining here? The rabbits seem happy enough. Let them be.

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